How to install Marathi font in windows 7 (Installation Guide)

Hello guys, You are welcome to a new and fresh article. Today’s article, I tell you to How to Install Marathi font in windows. Windows is an operating system (OS) and it’s can be installed on pc/desktop.

If you are pc user or website admin and searching How to install Marathi font in Windows 7 Os for Microsoft office software.

As you know in all over worlds people used to different windows (operating system) like Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10/Vista/XP on their Desktop or laptop. There are many Art/Design or typing/writing software or website like Microsoft excel/Microsoft Word/Microsoft One notes/Microsoft Access/Microsoft Outlooks/Microsoft PowerPoint/Microsoft Publisher/Microsoft Office/Microsoft SharePoint/Wordpad, Notepad or WordPress website.

Just note down that by these methods you can insert OTF (Open Type) and TTF (True Type) font in any pc operating system. We are giving two methods to install Marathi font in windows 7 and other.

how to install marathi font in windows 7 oS

To install Marathi font in windows 7/8/10 operating system or Microsoft office software, follow below details and complete font installation process in your windows operating system. Just Guide rule and insert font in pc.

  • First, download the font from given Marathi font download click here button.
  • Though the Downloaded file will appear in TTF/OTF format, some cases file format ZIP<Right click<Extract here< then created new folder same name. Now open and will find TTF format to the font.
  • Now Double click on TTF format will appear Print and Install option.
  • Click on Install Button
  • After you have successfully installed Marathi font on windows 7 operating system or Microsoft word 2007.
install marathi font in windows
Install marathi font in Windows 10

How to install Marathi Font in Windows 10

For install Marathi font in Windows 10/Microsoft word 2007/Windows 7 providing the second method. If you are facing some issue with the first method then just try it. We are requesting to you for comment and focus comment will be unique and linkless.

  • Method 2 – First Stylish Marathi Fonts Download Free
  • After download, the fonts need to Extract but most cases the new user has, t installed WinRAR ZIP file extract software.
  • Just download WinRAR software to extract file – ZIP file to Folder Convert. Choose software according to your windows operating system.
  • To extract Marathi file – Select Zip file<Right click<Extract Here
  • After extracting file will visible new folder same zip file name. Click on folder name then will find fontname.ttf format.
  • Now to install Marathi font in windows 10 – Go to Control Panel< Appearance and Personalization< Fonts.
  • After following above step select extracted folder want to add Marathi TTF fonts and selected fonts Drag & Drop paste to Appearance and Personalization Fonts section.
How to install Marathi font in windows 7/8/10 and Microsoft office/word

If you are facing to understand second method video given below. Below given videos, you can find your problem solution in 2021. install Marathi font in Microsoft Word.

Guys, I hope you liked the post. In this blog, the users shall find valuable and informative content because I research on google then all data posted here. In this post, I have posted How to install Marathi font in windows 7/8/10 or any PC operating system.

pawan kumar


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